Lexington SC Stadium is located at 200 Shives Drive, Lexington, KY 40515

From Athens Boonesboro Road: Continue Straight or Turn Right: Motorists approaching Doe Run Trail or Competition Drive from Athens Boonesboro Road can continue straight or make a right turn.
Making a Left Turn: To make a left turn, drivers will continue straight through the main intersection, move into the left lane, and then make a U-turn at the designated median intersection. After completing the U-turn, drivers can proceed to their intended destination.
Right Turn: When approaching the RCUT intersection from a side street, drivers should first make a right turn onto Athens Boonesboro Road.
Completing the Turn: After turning right, drivers can continue straight or enter the left turn lane to make a U-turn through the median, completing their desired movement through the intersection.
Fans are welcome to park anywhere in the GA parking lots (see map below).
Parking lots open two and a half hours prior to kickoff.

For more information on tailgating, please visit our tailgating page!